Monday, April 2, 2018

TOEFL Explanation

TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. He is a proficiency test used to measure a person's English skills without being associated directly with the learning process. Thus in contrast to achievement TOEFL test, which tests the scope of the test is limited to materials that have been studied students in the English class. TOEFL is the standardization of one's English ability in writing which includes three aspects:
·         listening
·         Writing
·         Reading

At first, the TOEFL is required for students in countries whose primary language is not English, but want to continue their studies to the countries whose official language is English, such as the United States, Canada and Western European countries. It is necessary to ensure that students from the state of non-English speaking can follow lectures in English-speaking countries well. Among other things:
·         Ensuring that students understand the description given lectures in English (listening skills).
·         Students understand the books required textbooks (reading skills).
·         Students are able to make a scientific paper with the correct grammar (writing and grammar skills).
To be accepted in western countries, prospective students must have a minimum TOEFL score of 500 (Europe), even in the United States, TOEFL score required is 550 (the maximum value Paper Based Test TOEFL is 677). For Toefl Test Following this, you need some material toefl as follows:
1. Reading
Reading is a collection of stories that have themes. This session usually consists of 50 questions with a time of 55 minutes to answer. A common strategy in working on reading.
·         Do not be too long to read about We actually do not have to really understand the story of the matter to be able to answer questions the TOEFL test.
·         Do not panic if you do not know the topic of the story to answer to the information already available in the story. Not necessary background knowledge to answer every story.
·         Do not use a long time to analyze the answers. If unsure, guess or return to the question after all the questions have been completed.
2. Listening Comprehension
Listening Comprehension is the first part of the TOEFL test material. This section consists of 50 questions in the answer sheet is only available answer choices for each question. The listening section consists of listening to three types of conversations are:
·         The conversation was short, long conversations, and long story.
·         Conversation short: usually consists of two lines and the dialogue between the two speakers. There are 30 questions with 30 answers for this kind of conversation about this.
·         Long conversation: it consists of several conversations between two people that will be used to answer questions. The number of questions for each call less than four questions.
Important tips:
·         If you have time, check the answers provided before the conversation begins.
·         Long story: In this section, you will hear someone talking about some of the problems either on campus or everyday life.
3. Structure and Written Expression
This type of question is a structure with multiple-choice questions which required knowledge of grammar. With Grammar you would think that this is difficult to understand but take it by following the tips below, you will easily work on such questions.
Some Tips:
·         Learn sentence: To analyze the type of answer to what is needed to complete the sentence.
·         Learn every answer in completing the sentence: Remove the answer that you think is not true in completing the sentence.
·         When analyzing the answers, do not throw away the wrong answers without a match with the sentence: An incorrect answer generally be a correct sentence by itself. An incorrect answer will generally be incorrect when used in completing a sentence.
Written Expression is a matter that requires your knowledge of the sentence contained in the matter. The general procedure do question the form of written expression is to look at the underlined word (choose directly who we think is the wrong word), If you can not choose, then read a complete sentence in the matter.

Along with the times, even countries whose native language is not English, such as Japan, Korea, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. require certain TOEFL score for prospective students, whether they come from within the country, especially if it comes from abroad. In Indonesia, even the TOEFL is also used to:
·         Requirements for recruitment in government agencies, government and private enterprise.
·         Terms of the new admissions to the level of S2 and S3.
·         Terms of the scholarship application, both from government and private sources.
Until now, there are three types of TOEFL that is issued by ETS (English Testing Service), namely:
·         PBT (Paper Based Test) TOEFL
·         CBT (Computer Based Test) TOEFL
·         iBT (Internet Based Test) TOEFL

What is the Difference Three Types TOEFL test?
1. PBT (Paper Based Test) TOEFL
PBT-TOEFL Test The TOEFL is the type that was first issued by the ETS. System-TOEFL PBT tests on the use of paper or sheets of paper question and answer sheets to be filled with a 2B pencil. The materials tested are:
·         listening
·         structure
·         Reading
Score range 217-677.
The length of time the test is 2 to 2.5 hours.

2. CBT (Computer Based Test) TOEFL
CBT-TOEFL is the second type, replacing PBT-TOEFL. CBT-TOEFL test systems no longer use paper, but directly to the computer. All about using the software and any questions were answered / done on the computer. CBT was first issued in 1998. However, in some countries in Asia, particularly Indonesia are still allowed to use the PBT (ITP-TOEFL) as the standard of the International TOEFL Test. So that the prestige of CBT in Indonesia is very minimal. Even today there are still many Indonesian people who do not know what it is CBT-TOEFL. The materials tested are:
·         ListeningStructure
·         Reading
·         Writing
Score range 0-300.
The length of time the test is 2 to 2.5 hours.

3. iBT (Internet Based Test) TOEFL
iBT-TOEFL or also known as the Next Generation (NG) is a type of TOEFL Test TOEFL latest issued ETS and introduced since 2005, but in Indonesia, has entered into force in 2006 as the standard of the International TOEFL Test recognized in the world. ETS many changes in format and TOEFL test this new system. iBT-TOEFL also use computer media, only on the iBT test system using the Internet. Thus the test directly online participants with ETS and answer the test questions as well as online.
The material in the test are:
·         listening
·         speaking
·         Writing, and Reading
Score range of iBT is 0 -120.
The length of time the test is 4 hours.

Here are some tips for achieving high scores on the TOEFL test, which I quoted from Englishteachermelanie.
1. Know What It TOEFL
TOEFL is a test kemampauan in the English language that is useful in measuring the English kempetensi someone like aspects of reading, listening, speaking and writing.

2. Prepare Yourself Before Test
To succeed inTOEFL test and obtain maximum score, then there are at least six months to one year for preparation, especially if you do not know and understand the pattern of breathing these tests much earlier then follow the steps for TOEFL courses online and offline can be a solution.

3. Expand Vocabulary By Reading and Listening Many Things
If you want to follow the TOEFL high gain then do not just read or hear things that you like. We recommend that you also have to read a lot of things (knowledge) to increase the vocabulary that can be memorized. Because if later you follow the TOEFL, you will encounter a lot of writing from various fields such as geography, history, astronomy and others.

4. Familiarize Makes a Good Note
Habit of recording important things in a TOEFL tape was excellent in improving the skills of the TOEFL test. Because in the listening sessions of TOEFL, while recording will only be perdengarkan one without repeated at all. Therefore, get used to record important words that we can later use in answeringquestions about the TOEFL,

5. Practice in pronunciation and articulation Languages ​​Clear
Perhaps you are still having trouble dalan English pronunciation. Indeed, the English pronunciation does not have to be perfect, but the articulation of language became the main point to be able to understand.

6. Learn to Use Qwerty Keyboard With Good
Some of the types of TOEFL test was done using online networking facilities. So to avoid failure Familiarize yourself using the qwerty keyboard. It is due to take the test at a time when you have to write and therefore the need to have good typing skills.
7. Learn How to Write Essays In English
In addition to answering questions, listening there is also a test to write an essay in English on the TOEFL is usually there at the end of the test. You write 300 words in tempo is only 30 minutes away.

8. Keep Calm And Relax
Do not tense in the face of the TOEFL. Be remain calm in the follow TOEFL though this test is not a test that is fairly easy, but still relaxed can make you better than to feel anxious and tense instead it can ruin your concentration.

9. Follow TOEFL More Than One Time
Fluent knowledge because repeated, the old adage, but it seems still able to in pedomani. At the moment you first follow the TOEFL test and your results are not as expected, do not be ashamed to give it a try again. By following the TOEFL test more than once you'll know where lies the fault and fix it, it will usually happen quickly learning process. Is notThe experience of participating TOEFLis the best teacher.

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